Denver Office

Division of Water Resources (Main Office)

1313 Sherman St., Suite 821
Denver, CO 80203

Main Phone: (303) 866-3581 (8am-5pm M-F) 

Groundwater Information: (303) 866-3587 (9am-4pm M-F) - Questions on availability of well permits or existing wells  

Appointments and Walk-in Hours

This Section provides leadership to assist staff in meeting the division's public mission.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
State Engineer / DirectorJason UllmannJason.Ullmann@state.co.us(970) 964-7041
Deputy DirectorTracy KosloffTracy.Kosloff@state.co.us(720) 353-8495
Deputy State Engineer -  Water Supply & LitigationSarah BruckerSarah.Brucker@state.co.us(303) 866-3581  Ext. 8249
Assistant State Engineer - Public Safety/SystemsJohn HunyadiJohn.Hunyadi@state.co.us(719) 258-0859
Compliance and Outreach AdministratorMarie SullivanMarie.Sullivan@state.co.us (303) 866-3581  Ext. 8213

This section manages the Division's Accounting and Budget Processes. 

Job Title Full Name E-Mail Address Business Phone
Finance and Administrative Services Manager Brianna Franco Brianna.Franco@state.co.us (720) 667-8711
Budget Analyst Wendy Hunker Wendy.Hunker@state.co.us (303) 866-3581 Ext. 8224
Purchasing Agent Elena Young Elena.Young@state.co.us (303) 866-3581 Ext. 8203
Program Assistant Laura Kalafus Laura.Kalafus@state.co.us (303) 866-3581 Ext. 8220

This section consists of two units; the Design Review and Construction Inspection Unit and the Dam Safety Engineering Unit.  The two principal duties of the team are to determine the safe storage level of the reservoir dams in the state and to approve the plans and specifications for the construction and repair of Jurisdictional dams. 

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Chief of Dam SafetyJohn BatkaJohn.Batka@state.co.us(970) 217-9383
Design Review EngineerJeremy FranzJeremy.Franz@state.co.us(970) 231-6990
Dam Safety Engineer, Division 1Jim KirchJim.Kirch@state.co.us(614) 975-2623
Dam Safety Program AssistantRuby HalpernRuby.Halpern@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8276

This section provides hydrogeologic expertise helpful to the State Engineer in administering Colorado surface water and groundwater.  The staff collect and publish hydrogeologic data for Colorado aquifers including groundwater-level data. The section also works with the Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors to enforce well construction standards, protecting Colorado's vital and limited groundwater resources and public health.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Chief of HydrogeologyKevin DoneganKevin.Donegan@state.co.us(303) 866-3581  Ext.8221
Hydrogeologist, SeniorAndrew FlorAndrew.Flor@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8218
HydrogeologistMarques HatfieldMarques.Hatfield@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8290
HydrogeologistNolan TangumaNolan.Tanguma@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8283

This section provides real-time gauging station data for lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers, streams and canals throughout Colorado and published stream flow data. 

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Chief of Hydrography & Satellite MonitoringMatt HardestyMatt.Hardesty@state.co.us(719) 588-2329
Satellite Monitoring Electronics Specialist  Dave HutchensDave.Hutchens@state.co.us(303) 916-1245
Satellite Monitoring Electronics Specialist  Cheston HartCheston.Hart@state.co.usTBD

This section provides public hearings for State Engineer and Ground Water Cases. 

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Hearings OfficerBryan GarrettBryan.Garrett@state.co.us(303) 945-5258

This section provides digital access to records and associated data to the public via online tools. 

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Records ManagerMelissa SchneiderMelissa.Schneider@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8289
Technician IIIYolanda JohnsonYolanda.Johnson@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8228
Technician IIIJen McKinneyJennean.McKinney@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8236
Technician IIJim CurryJames.Curry@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8215
Technician IIAriana TabuyoAriana.Tabuyo@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8284
Technician IIErica GutierrezErica.Gutierrez@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8219

This section works with the Republican River Basin Groundwater Team as well as represents the Ground Water Commission. 

Job Title Full Name E-Mail Address Business Phone
Republican River Basin Team (representing the Ground Water Commission) Chris Grimes Chris.Grimes@state.co.us (303) 866-3581 Ext. 8253

This section creates and maintains models and tools that help water users and DWR staff administer water and makes information available online at no cost to the public. Research tools include Tabular Data Query Tools, which return textual data, and Mapping Tools, which use a GIS interface to retrieve data, display it, and allow analysis. Water data pulled from DWR's HydroBase includes streamflows, lake levels, water rights, diversion records, administrative calls, well permit applications, etc.  These tools also display associated images and documents. 

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Chief of Water InformationCasey VenemanCasey.Veneman@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8291
Information Process CoordinatorLaura NelsenLaura.Nelsen@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8210
Hydrobase CoordinatorJohn RodgersJohn.Rodgers@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8267
Business Process Technical SpecialistDennis VaisbergDennis.Vaisberg@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8275
GIS Program CoordinatorChris BrownChris.K.Brown@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8256
GIS AnalystAlison KeenerAlison.Keener@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8268
GIS AnalystAnders OlsonAnders.Olson@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8262
Senior ModelerKelley ThompsonKelley.Thompson@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8261
Lead ModelerAshenafi MadeboAshenafi.Madebo@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8248
Data & Software Implementation SpecialistDoug HollisterDoug.Hollister@state.co.us(720) 908-6411

The Water Supply teams are responsible for review and evaluation of water well permit applications, substitute water supply plans, water court applications, county land-use referrals, replacement plans and changes of water rights within Designated Basins, and other related duties.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Chief of Water Supply, Designated BasinsJoanna WilliamsJoanna.Williams@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8265
Chief of Water Supply, Outside Designated BasinsMegan SullivanMegan.Sullivan@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8212

This team is responsible for water supply activities in that portion of the South Platte River Basin that includes the Denver Basin aquifer system, including the review and evaluation of water well permit applications, substitute water supply plans, water court applications, county land-use referrals, and other related duties.  This team is also responsible for Determination of Water Rights, Replacement Plans, and other related applications, within that portion of the Designated Basins that includes the Denver Basin aquifer system.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Team Supervisor, Denver Basins Water Resources EngineerIoana ComaniciuIoana.Comaniciu@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8246
Water Resources EngineerVacantN/AN/A
Engineer in Training IIMichael MatzMichael.Matz@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8241
Engineer in Training IIAriel HackerAriel.Hacker@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8234
Engineering/Physical Science TechnicianDebbie GonzalesDebra.Gonzales@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8247

This team is responsible for water supply activities within the portion of the South Platte River Basin outside of the Denver Basin aquifer system, including the review and evaluation of water well permit applications, substitute water supply plans, water court applications, county land-use referrals, replacement plans and changes of water rights within Designated Basins, and other related duties.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Team Supervisor, Outside Denver Basin/Water Resources EngineerKate FullerKathleen.Fuller@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8245
Water Resources EngineerAaron MoseleyAaron.Moseley@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8254
Engineer in Training IIKeian FreshwaterKeian.Freshwater@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8237
Physical Science Researcher/Scientist IIChris GrimesChris.Grimes@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8253
Engineer in Training IIGarrett BanksGarrett.Banks@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8222
Engineering/Physical Science Assistant IIIAnitia ArchuletaAnitia.Archuleta@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8217

This team is responsible for water supply activities within the Arkansas, Rio Grande, San Juan, Animas, and Dolores River Basins, including the review and evaluation of water well permit applications, substitute water supply plans, water court applications, county land-use referrals, and other related duties.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Team Supervisor, Team 2,3,7    Water Resources EngineerMelissa van der PoelMelissa.Vanderpoel@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8208
Water Resources EngineerIvan FrancoIvan.Franco@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8243
Engineer in Training IIKatie (Katharine) AndersonKatharine.Anderson@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8207
Physical Science/Research ScientistVacantN/A(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8286
Engineering/Physical Science TechnicianShannon PorterShannon.Porter@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8204

This team is responsible for water supply activities within the Colorado, Gunnison, Yampa, White, and North Platte River Basins, including the review and evaluation of water well permit applications, substitute water supply plans, water court applications, county land-use referrals, and other related duties.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Team Supervisor, Team 4,5,6     Water Resources EngineerWenli DickinsonWenli.Dickinson@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8206
Water Resources EngineerAilis ThyneAilis.Thyne@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8216
Physical Science/Research ScientistJustina MickelsonJustina.Mickelson@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8232
Engineering Physical Science TechnicianGeoff DavisGeoffrey.Davis@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8223
Permit Services AssistantAlex TeitzAlex.Teitz@state.co.us(303) 866-3581 Ext. 8273

This section provides support to the Board of Examiners (BOE) and DWR Staff including complaint investigation, rules enforcement and education, verification of proper construction, plugging and abandonment of wells. The BOE has supervision and authority over the construction and abandonment of wells and the installation of pumping equipment, revision of rules, and contractor licensing. Well Inspection includes protection of the ground water resources and public health through enforcement of minimum well construction and pump installation standards.   

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness PhoneAlternate Phone
Chief of Well InspectionChris JonesChris.Jones@state.co.us(720) 618-9982 (303) 866-3581 Ext. 8270
Well Inspector, Divisions 1 & 2Shaylee AndreattaShaylee.Andreatta@state.co.us(303) 912-5736N/A
Well Inspector, Division 3Larry HakesLarry.Hakes@state.co.us(719) 588-8142N/A