Division 3 Alamosa Contacts

Division 3 Main Office (Alamosa)

301 Murphy Drive
Alamosa, CO 81101
Phone: (719) 589-6683

Appointments and Walk-in Hours

Monte Vista Office (Water District 20)

905 3rd Avenue
Monte Vista, CO 81144
Phone: (719) 852-4351

Saguache Office (Districts 25, 26 & 27)

210 4th Street
Saguache, CO 81149
Phone: (719) 655-2039

This Section provides leadership to assist staff in meeting the division's public mission.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Division EngineerCraig CottenCraig.Cotten@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3108
Assistant Division EngineerDarin ScheppDarin.Schepp@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3115
Assistant Division Engineer - Water MeasurementKevin BoyleKevin.Boyle@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3119
Staff EngineerPat McDermottPat.Mcdermott@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3126
Well Permit and Water Right ResearcherVacantN/AN/A
River Operations CoordinatorDavid HofmannDavid.Hofmann@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3132
Engineer in Training IIAdam CrowderAdam.Crowder@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3102
Program AssistantRoberta BarelaRoberta.Barela@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3101

This section assists with the administration of water by evaluating water use data and accounting to ensure that users operate in compliance with their water rights, decrees, administrative approvals and/or plans for augmentation.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Subdistrict CoordinatorDeborah SarasonDeborah.Sarason@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3131
Assistant Subdistrict CoordinatorJessica ValdezJessica.Valdez@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3107
Water Accounting Operations SpecialistMichelle LanzoniMichelle.Lanzoni@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3133

This section consists of two units; the Design Review and Construction Inspection Unit and the Dam Safety Engineering Unit.  The two principal duties of the team are to determine the safe storage level of the reservoir dams in the state and to approve the plans and specifications for the construction and repair of Jurisdictional dams. 

Job Title Full Name E-Mail Address Business Phone
Dam Safety Engineer Mark Perry Mark.Perry@state.co.us (719) 250-5606
Dam Safety Engineer Matt Gavin Matt.Gavin@state.co.us (970) 317-4147

This section conducts compact and rules compliance inspections, field investigations and groundwater well inventories

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness PhoneAlternate Phone
Well Metering Technician IISteve RiveraSteve.Rivera@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3125(719) 849-9818
Well Metering Technician IIJames StephensonJames.A.Stephenson@state.co.us(719) 849-9819N/A
Well Metering Technician IMichael MonclovaMichael.Monclova@state.co.us(719) 849-9826N/A
Well Metering Technician IChristy KesselringChristy.Kesselring@state.co.us(719) 619-7378  N/A
Data TechnicianTrina RiveraTrina.Rivera@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3120N/A

This section provides real-time gauging station data for lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers, streams and canals throughout Colorado and published stream flow data. 

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Lead HydrographerJesse JaminetJesse.Jaminet@state.co.us(719) 588-7870
Senior HydrographerGeoff WardenGeoff.Warden@state.co.us(719) 588-0476
HydrographerKirk GrovesKirk.Groves@state.co.us(719) 588-3706 
HydrographerCatherine HuntCatherine.Hunt@state.co.us(719) 588-5913
HydrographerTaylor ChickTaylor.Chick@state.co.us(719) 588-0231

This team ensures that the water rights priority system is followed, enforcing the decrees and water laws of the State of Colorado.  For help determining the water district needed, please see the Division 3 Water District Boundary Map

Water District(s) Job Title Full Name E-Mail Address Business Phone Alternate Phone
District 20 Water Commissioner Sam Riggenbach Sam.Riggenbach@state.co.us (719) 588-3704 (719) 852-4351
District 20 Deputy Water Commissioner Luis Heredia Luis.Heredia@state.co.us (719) 588-3705 (719) 852-4351
District 20 Deputy Water Commissioner Wayne Peck Wayne.Peck@state.co.us (719) 588-3703 (719) 852-4351
District 21 Water Commissioner Rachel Rilling Rachel.Rilling@state.co.us (719) 588-3702 N/A
District 21 Deputy Water Commissioner Jared De Priest Jared.Depriest@state.co.us (719) 619-8272 N/A
Districts 22 & 24 Water Commissioner Tom Stewart Tom.Stewart@state.co.us (719) 619-8048 N/A
Districts 22 & 24 Water Commissioner Aaron Holman Aaron.Holman@state.co.us (719) 937-1877  N/A
Districts 22 & 24 Deputy Water Commissioner Travis Robinson Travis.Robinson@state.co.us (719) 619-9239 N/A
Districts 25, 26 & 27 Lead Water Commissioner Tom Torrez Thomas.Torrez@state.co.us (719) 588-3701 (719) 655-2039
Districts 25, 26 & 27 Deputy Water Commissioner Robert Soloman Mondragon Robert.Mondragon@state.co.us (719) 619-9099 (719) 655-2039
District 35 Water Commissioner Lanny McDonald Lanny.Mcdonald@state.co.us (719) 588-0007 N/A

This section processes and evaluates exempt well permit applications and provides technical support for water availability options to government agencies, the public and water resources staff.

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
 Well CommissionerKyle McMillanKyle.McMillan@state.co.us(719) 589-6683 Ext. 3105

This section provides support to the Board of Examiners (BOE) and DWR Staff including complaint investigation, rules enforcement and education, verification of proper construction, plugging and abandonment of wells. The BOE has supervision and authority over the construction and abandonment of wells and the installation of pumping equipment, revision of rules, and contractor licensing. Well Inspection includes protection of the ground water resources and public health through enforcement of minimum well construction and pump installation standards.  

Job TitleFull NameE-Mail AddressBusiness Phone
Well InspectorLarry HakesLarry.Hakes@state.co.us(719) 588-8142