News Article

New Report on the Regulation of Geothermal Resources in Colorado now available

In collaboration with DWR, the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) has released a report on the regulation of geothermal resources in Colorado. The study includes considerations and recommendations to clarify and streamline the regulatory process in the state.  The full report and executive summary can be found under the Geothermal heading on the following ECMC Webpage.

Public Notice Division 7 Measurement Rules Filed

The Division of Water Resources filed proposed Surface and Groundwater Measurement Rules in the Water Division 7 Water Court on December 5, 2024. Division 7 is located in southwest Colorado and includes the San Juan, Animas, La Plata, Mancos, Pine, Piedra, McElmo Creek, parts of the Dolores River basins, and other adjoining tributaries exiting Colorado. The proposed rules and other documents related to the rulemaking effort can be found on the Division’s website.

Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Southern High Plains Study

The Division of Water Resources has issued a Request for Proposals to: 1) update a 2002 study on the hydrogeology and groundwater resources of the Southern High Plains Designated Basin in order to provide scenario analyses for groundwater use; and 2) provide community facilitation to identify and establish groundwater resource goals for residents of the Basin.  The objective is to determine recommended actions to achieve the established community goal(s).

Division of Water Resources  |  1313 Sherman Street, Suite 821  |  Denver, CO 80203  |  (303) 866-3581  |  AskDWR

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