News Article

New Well Abandonment eForm - Coming Soon

A new eForm is coming soon for Well Abandonment.  When launched, it will replace the GWS-09 (Well Abandonment Report), used to report abandonment of an existing well or monitoring hole/test hole.  When the new eForm is launched, an announcement will be posted on DWR’s Website with a public user guide that outlines the new process to file online.

Division 6 Measurement Rule Workshop Presentation

A recent presentation was given to provide an in depth overview of the new measurement rules that became effective on January 16th in Division 6. The presentation goes over each individual rule, what they mean to the water user, and how you can come into compliance. The end of the presentation discusses measuring devices such as flumes and weirs, headgates, reservoirs and meters.

Notice of Peer Review Team (PRT) Meeting- RGDSS

The PRT is a collection of people with expertise in the data, design, and analysis used to develop and update the Rio Grande Decision Support System (RGDSS).  This meeting will begin the review for phase 7 of the RGDSS.  See the Full Announcement with Agenda Details and Joining Information


Division of Water Resources  |  1313 Sherman Street, Suite 821  |  Denver, CO 80203  |  (303) 866-3581  |  AskDWR

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