Applications & Tools
San Juan and Dolores River Basins (Durango)
Division 7 administers all water resources of the San Juan and Dolores River Basins. Our staff administers water rights for water users, consults on water court cases, measures water flow, inspects dams to determine safe water storage levels, issue well permits, and maintains gaging stations and water records within these basins. Division 7 is also responsible for Compact compliance under the Animas-La Plata Project, La Plata River, and Upper Colorado River Basin Compacts, and for the interstate deliveries through the San Juan-Chama Project.
Important Links
- Certified Well Tester List
- Interstate Compact Details
- Rulemaking - Division 7 Measurement Rules
- Water Court
Water Administration Rulemaking
The Division of Water Resources (DWR) has focused on measurement rules in recognition of the importance of measuring both surface water and groundwater diversions. We are now conducting a formal effort to develop measurement rules in Division 7. Measuring surface water and groundwater diversions is important in Colorado to allow for accurate administration of water rights, establish a valuable record of use for water rights, and provide useful information for operating decisions.
Colorado water law requires that water diversions have a proper diversion structure and measuring device where necessary. Measurement Rules will give guidance, structure, and certainty to the Division Engineer’s implementation of that statutory requirement, which is critical in areas that are experiencing more demand, intrastate administration, and the need to protect Colorado interests related to the Colorado River Compact.
DWR has conducted stakeholder meetings to discuss proposed Measurement Rules in Water Division 7, which includes the San Juan, Animas, La Plata, Mancos, Pine, Piedra, McElmo Creek, parts of the Dolores, and other adjoining basins for tributaries exiting Colorado in the southwest part of the state.
DWR has wrapped up the stakeholder engagement process for implementing the new rules for measurement of surface and groundwater diversions, storage, release, and delivery of water in Water Division 7. DWR filed the rules with the Water Court on December 5, 2024.
Use the Subject Search below to locate documents of interest related to the rulemaking, such as draft and redline rules and stakeholder meeting agendas.
All parties can keep informed about this rulemaking through DWR's notification list tool. From the website top navigation, select Public Information, and Notification Lists. Once on the notification lists page, you will be able to login and manage your notification lists and/or register for the notification list Division 7 Measurement Rulemaking Stakeholders, to receive emails concerning this rulemaking process from our office.
Additional Information
- La Plata River Current Streamflow
- La Plata River Active Call & Priority Status
- La Plata River Exchanges & Reservoir Deliveries
- Current Year La Plata River Compact Accounting (PROVISIONAL)
- Previous Years La Plata River Compact Accounting
- Long Hollow Fish Flow (Accounting for the fish flow release from Long Hollow reservoir)