Division 2 Office


The Division 2 Pueblo Office is currently closed until further notice, due to building flooding.  Please use email or phone contact options on the Division 2 Contacts Webpage to reach staff, so we may assist with public inquiries.  Sorry for the inconvenience! 

Arkansas River Basin (Pueblo)

Division 2 administers the Arkansas River Basin in southeast Colorado.  In particular, Division 2 administers the Arkansas River Basin to protect senior Colorado surface water rights from out of priority depletions caused by junior tributary groundwater rights and to prevent depletions to usable Stateline flow that would otherwise occur as a result of pumping post-Arkansas River Compact wells in Colorado.  Division 2 also collects real-time streamflow and reservoir levels through a satellite monitoring system.  Other staff inspect the safety of existing dams and dam construction, manage well permits and water rights, and measure aquifer characteristics throughout the Division.

Division 2 Contacts

Arkansas Irrigation Improvement Rules 

On January 1, 2011, the Final Arkansas River Irrigation Improvement Rules went into effect, which includes a link to the Irrigation System Analysis Model (ISAM) components for calculating water budgets.

Applications - Rule 8 & 10 Plans
Approvals - Rule 8 & 10 Plans
Final Rules - Arkansas Irrigation Improvement Rules


Important Links



Additional Information