The State of Colorado is directly involved in one international treaty, two U.S. Supreme Court decrees, one interstate agreement, and nine interstate compacts. Compacts allow lengthy discussion of controversies outside of a formal court environment by individuals who are knowledgeable on a given topic. Such a venue can lead to a mutual understanding of problems, and hopefully, a beneficial solution for all parties involved.
The ability to protect and defend a huge portion of the State's water-dependent economy is of major importance to Colorado, which is geographically situated such that the streams arising within her borders are also vital to the economies of eighteen other states and the Republic of Mexico. And while the Compacts to which Colorado is a signatory state are restrictive, they reduce the potential for much more damaging Court decisions.
Division 1 (South Platte Basin)
Division 2 (Arkansas Basin)
Division 3 (Rio Grande Basin)
Division 4 (Gunnison Basin)
Division 5 (Colorado Basin)
Division 6 (Yampa, White & N. Platte Basins)
Division 7 (San Juan & Dolores Basins)