Well Inspection Program
The well inspection program was instituted for the protection of the groundwater resources and public health through enforcement of minimum well construction and pump installation standards. The program was created under Senate Bill 03-045. The objective of the program is to deal with the following concerns:
The Well Inspection Program currently has three inspectors including the Chief Well Inspector. Their contact information and locations they serve is available under Contact Us, Denver Office page, Well Inspection Section.
Important Links
Approved Fluids & Additives, Log Waivers, Notifications, & Variances
Please be sure your Request for Geophysical Log Waiver includes the following information
- Well Owner:
- Permit Number:
- Production Aquifer:
- Anticipated Depth:
- Shallow-Most Aquifer or Existing Geophysical Log:
- Permit (or API) Number associated with existing Geophysical Log within 1320 Feet:
Make your request by filling in the AskDWR Geophysical Log Waiver Request Page.
If you have any questions regarding a Geophysical Log Waiver, such as what information to include with your request, please contact:
Nolan Tanguma - Nolan.Tanguma@state.co.us or (303) 866-3581 x8283
Andy Flor - Andrew.Flor@state.co.us or (303) 866-3581 x8218
If listed on the permit as a condition of approval, a well construction or pump installation contractor must provide advance notification (by 11:59 pm the day before) to the State Engineer prior to constructing a well or installing a pump or cistern, pursuant to Rule Any change in the anticipated date must be re-noticed (by 11:59 pm the day before). The link below quickly allows contractors to provide this notification to the Well Inspection Team.
Rule A copy of the well permit must be available and posted at the well site at all times when a contractor is working on a new well or when performing any work that requires a well permit as specified in Rule 6.2.1. All such work must comply with the conditions of approval of the valid well permit, including any applicable condition that the well construction or pump installation contractor provide advance notification to the State Engineer prior to constructing the well or installing the pump or cistern. All work must be completed prior to the expiration of the permit.
If you have any questions regarding advance notification, please contact:
Chris Jones - Chris.Jones@state.co.us or (720) 618-9982
Requests for Well Construction Variances can be made by filling in the AskDWR Variance Request Page. Be sure to attach your detailed variance request and a diagram. Please provide attachments in PDF Format. Please note all variances must be connected to a licensed contractor or private driller/private pump installer and include a statement explaining the practical difficulties or unusual hardship.
If you have any questions regarding a Well Construction Variance, such as what information to include with your request, please contact:
Andy Flor - Andrew.Flor@state.co.us or (303) 866-3581 x8218
Kevin Donegan - Kevin.Donegan@state.co.us or (303) 866-3581 x8221
The Board of Examiners (Board) will be opening the Rules and Regulations for Water Well Construction, Pump Installation, Cistern Installation, and Monitoring and Observation Well/Hole Construction (Construction Rules) 2 CCR 402-2 in 2023. Board Staff is developing proposed changes and would like to hear from the contractors, suppliers, scientists, and engineers in the industry.
- Sign up for the Rulemaking email listserv to receive notifications on proposed changes and the Rulemaking process.
- Visit the Notification Lists Webpage.
- New Users, click Register for DWR Notifications to register for an account.
- Existing Users, click Login/Manage DWR Notifications to subscribe to the “BOE Info/News” notification list.
- Submit comments to the Board and Board Staff using the following Google Form
- For additional information on Stakeholder Meetings, please visit the Board of Examiners Meetings Webpage.
- For documents associated with this rulemaking, please use the subject search box below to filter by document titles.
The Colorado Water Well Construction Rules enable the Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors (BOE) to protect the public health and preserve groundwater resources by ensuring the proper construction and/or abandonment of wells, the proper installation of pumping equipment and the proper installation of cisterns. These Rules specify minimum standards for construction materials and methods. See Rule 18 of Final Well Construction Rules for Variances.
The division, in cooperation with various local Ground Water Management Districts, operates a statewide network for monitoring groundwater levels. Over 1,500 wells are measured to assist in projecting groundwater levels and to aid in the administration of groundwater. Groundwater level data collected by the Division is published on a yearly basis, and reports are available below. Please note that if you are only interested in reviewing data for a single well, it may be more efficient to view the time series groundwater level data. You can do so from our Groundwater Levels Search, found in the Applications & Tools on the top right section of this page.