MH & DW Notice eForm Launched

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We have released an online form Notice of Intent to Construct Monitoring Holes, Dewatering Wells, or Test Holes Penetrating Through a Confining Layer.  

This new eForm replaces the GWS-51 and GWS-62 PDF Forms.  Please note, you will need to have an email address and create an account to file the appropriate eForm.   For additional assistance, please see the Guide to Notice of Intent to Construct Monitoring Holes, Dewatering Wells, or Test Holes Penetrating Through a Confining Layer.   

Please note, although the GWS-51 and GWS-62 PDFs are no longer available for download, DWR will accept these forms through 6/30/2023.  Any GWS-51 and GWS-62 PDF forms received after that date will be returned with instructions on how to resubmit them using the eForm.