Division 6 Measurement Rules Update
DWR held stakeholders meetings in June & July (in Meeker, Walden, Steamboat Springs, and Craig) to review the draft Rules. DWR will hold an additional Zoom meeting on 7/28/22.
DWR held stakeholders meetings in June & July (in Meeker, Walden, Steamboat Springs, and Craig) to review the draft Rules. DWR will hold an additional Zoom meeting on 7/28/22.
On Monday, 8/1/2022, a new eForm will be launched that will replace the GWS-11 form
New finalized memo, "Water Exchange Projects in Plans for Augmentation" issued June 10. This memo describes how staff of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) understand the distinction between a traditional appropriative right of exchange and a Water Exchange Project included in a plan for augmentation.
The State Engineer has approved Annual Replacement Plans for Subdistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (Trinchera). The approvals can be found on the Division 3 Office webpage under Subdistrict Annual Replacement Plans.
Draft "Guidelines for Hydrological Modeling and Flood Analysis", dated 3/28/22, can be found on the Dam Safety Services webpage under Guidance Documents and should be used for new dam safety hydrology studies in close coordination with our office. Consulting engineers should schedule a scoping meeting with our office prior to use.
See details of this announcement for guidance.
See the DNR Press Release for additional details. Review the final revised lists on DWR's Water Rights webpage, in the Abandonment of Water Rights Section.
Please see the memo, "Resources for Water Users and Property Owners Impacted by Wildland Fire" for resources following the Marshall Fire in Boulder County.
We have implemented a new eForms Dashboard. From the DWR homepage, click on the “Find a Form” button.